Indecency prevails, intellectual honesty is scarce, corruption rules, and worst of all, morality have taken a nose dive within the political leadership circle. Almost every discourse about the affairs of India has degraded to such a low level that it is beyond belief. Imagine! Those words which were written using swadeshi ink on swadeshi paper is so very true today. The human values seem to have suffered considerably.” All the graciousness and gentleness of life seems to have ebbed away. Was it worthwhile, I wonder?įrom the “ The Last Letter” which was painstakingly written inside Dehra Dun prison and up until today, every Indian, be he/she, be Hindu or Muslim, must now deeply reflect upon the current state of affairs in India and try to honestly and intellectually answer the very question raised by the first Prime Minister of India, “Will all these paper and ink convey any message?” Ponder over his concern expressed about “Human Values” back during his lifetime when he wrote, “People have become more brutal in thought, speech and action. Lot of good swadesi ink I have spread out on “What a mountain of letters I have written!

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru in his last letter dated Augwrote to his daughter Indira Nehru as follows: Subject: GANGA MERI MAA KA NAAM – BAAP KA NAAM HIMALA